
In 2019, 在制定大学的战略计划时, 澳门皇冠赌场平台询问了校友, faculty, staff, and community members to identify areas across campus that needed attention and financial support. 从2022年秋季开始, Hardin-Simmons shifted out of the silent phase of the $35 million speakLIFE运动 and into the promotion phase, 挑战目标是4500万美元. 在推广阶段, the university will communicate with the HSU community to expand upon the work done in the silent phase, 提高对正在进行的工作的认识并邀请校友, friends, foundations, churches, employees, 并由社区给予和完成活动.

我们活动的主题是“speakLIFE”.” To speak life is to encourage, promote, nurture, support, and bless. 歌罗西书3:17说:“无论你做什么, 无论是在言语上还是在行动上, 都奉主耶稣的名行吗, 藉著他感谢父神.”



Our plans are two-fold: construct an addition to the existing Newman-Richardson Science Center and remodel part of the original building. The new addition will have modern educational space including six scientific labs, 临床及治疗室, and more. Remodeling of the existing building includes classroom space and a learning commons. This will strengthen HSU’s position as a leader in the fields of science, math, and medicine.



Illustration of what Abilene Hall will look like after construction.

阿比林大厅:工程 & Nursing

Built in 1948, Abilene Hall is being retrofitted to house HSU’s engineering and nursing programs. HSU会提供一个B.S. 机械工程,从23年秋季开始. 材料测试实验室, fabrication lab, 流体动力学实验室, 并设有专门的实验室进行研究和实验. Although HSU currently graduates nurses through the Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing Consortium, HSU董事会开始着手创建我们自己的护理学校. Pending SACSCOC accreditation and approval from the Texas Board of Nursing, 我们预计从25年春季开始欢迎学生. Dr. Sandra Welling joined HSU as the Associate Dean and Founding Director of Nursing Education.

为阿比林大厅捐款 & Programs

了解更多关于阿比林大厅的信息 & These Programs



A key part of the college experience is living in a residence hall where students build life-long friendships, 从青少年到成年人的过渡, 创造永恒的记忆. 建于1952年,当时手工打字机还是主流, this facility needs infrastructure updates to support current and future demands. Providing students with a safe and livable residence on campus will serve to enhance our recruiting and retention efforts.





以满足我们的学生和社会的需要, we plan to build an equine therapy center to provide therapy to people with physical and emotional disabilities. 马疗法对多动症患者有益, 学习障碍, 情感创伤, injuries, 或者身体残疾. This therapy especially benefits children with autism treated at HSU’s newly expanded Houston-Lantrip Center for Literacy and Learning.




贝伦斯教堂礼堂 is often the only building on campus that the public sees inside. 作为教堂的主要场所, convocation, SING, concerts, and more, 这个设施需要大修. Restoration will help the university better serve students and our community. Restoration will improve accessibility to individuals with physical challenges and make it safer and more attractive.



Prichard Hall

On May 19, 2022, Hardin-Simmons University hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for its newest residence hall due Fall 2024 and to honor Dr. 罗莎·李(亨普希尔),感谢她的慷慨支持. 新的宿舍楼将是61楼,000-square-foot, 4层楼的设施,有165个床位和多个公共区域. 每间套房都有一间客厅, two bathrooms, 还有四间卧室,配有一张床, desk, dresser, 步入式衣柜.



Christlieb程序 & Scholarship

有些学生没有家人陪伴, 缺少完成大学学业所需的情感和经济支持. Students who classify as independent do not have a family member’s support to attend college. The university has committed to assisting these independent and self-supporting students with tuition and living expenses through the Christlieb sponsorship program and award.





98% of our full-time undergraduate students receive some type of financial aid. 奖学金不仅仅是帮助支付教育费用, 他们认可并奖励辛勤工作和奉献精神. Your generous investment in scholarships gives our students the opportunity to learn, 成长并追求自己的使命. Donors may contribute to an existing scholarship fund or create their own endowed scholarship.



布伦特迈尔校长颁发奖项给. O'Connell.


华大的教师们致力于教育我们的学生, 为他们选择的职业做好准备, 帮助他们的生活变得更好. An endowment for faculty enrichment will provide faculty members the resources to continue to provide excellence in the classroom. 这些机会促进了教师的专业成长, resulting in even more effective and engaging professors teaching our students.



Pres. 布伦特迈尔和捐助者在一个仪式上破土动工.

Current Support

Many of our alumni and friends generously support scholarships through the Annual Scholarship Fund. Others contribute to academic and program support which enhances faculty and student experiences in our classrooms and laboratories. 还有一些人支持体育、牛仔乐队和其他领域. We have so many worthy needs at Hardin-Simmons and gifts for any purpose will be counted toward the new campaign. Also, you can listen to our original speakLIFE musical composition by Christian Fortner ’21 at the link to YouTube below!

Give to HSU

听Christian的演讲life Music



Each of us can identify moments in time when HSU influenced our lives. 带着你的祈祷, partnership, and support, we are positioned to impact the world with our mission to provide excellence in education enlightened by Christian faith and values. 加入我们的使命!
*Sending a check to: HSU Advancement, 2200 Hickory Street, HSU Box 16100, Abilene, TX 79698

Giving Online



You can help promote speakLIFE by purchasing a Hardin-Simmons University speakLIFE T-shirt and adding our logo to your email signature. Simply click the link below to donate and receive your limited-edition speakLIFE T-shirt (while supplies last)! Add speakLIFE to your email signature by downloading the logo from the link below and following the instructions for your email provider.

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